Buying an Asset
Making Purchases
Seamless Asset Purchases Made Easy at Polytrade
At Polytrade, we’ve designed our marketplace to offer you flexible payment options, ensuring that making asset purchases is a seamless and convenient experience. We understand that diversity in payment methods is key to accommodating the preferences of our users.
Here’s how you can make purchases on Polytrade:
1. Buying via 3rd Party Platforms: We’ve integrated with leading third-party platforms like OpenSea to expand your options. If an asset is whitelisted on Polytrade and also listed on a platform like OpenSea, you can initiate a purchase directly from Polytrade. This integration streamlines the buying process, making it as simple as a click of a button. (Insert image)
2. Purchasing Fractions: Many assets on Polytrade are tokenized using our innovative ERC-6960 standard. This means you have the flexibility to purchase fractions of these assets. For example, if a high-value asset is wrapped in ERC-6960 and listed for sale, you can buy a fraction of it. Watch the video guide to see how it’s done!
3. Sending Offers: Polytrade empowers you to take an active role in asset valuation. You can send offers on any asset, whether it’s listed or unlisted, with the intention to purchase. What’s unique is that when an offer is accepted, it recalibrates the overall price of the asset. This dynamic feature ensures that you’re part of a marketplace where your actions can influence asset valuations.
Here’s how it works: Let’s say 10% of an asset is listed at $10,now its valuation is $100. You can send an offer for $5, and if it’s accepted, the asset’s new valuation becomes $50. This innovative approach enables you to engage in price discovery and potentially secure assets at the value you believe they’re worth.
At Polytrade, we’re committed to making asset purchases not only accessible but also customizable to your preferences. Whether you prefer traditional fiat, stablecoins, or various tokens, our marketplace will have you covered soon.
We invite you to explore the diverse range of assets and payment options, knowing that seamless transactions are at the heart of the Polytrade experience.
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